
Aloe Vera Cleansing Gel 1000ml | |
Price: Contact Us | Item # A-00822-01000 |
Product Description | |
Normal to Oily Skin/ Oily or Ance and Roughness Skin Aloe Vera Cleansing Gel is formulated with extracts of Witch Hazel and Aloe , which can suppress sebum secretion and soothe dryness of skin. With Hyaluronic acid, the light-textured cleansing gel can moisturize skin with a touch of freshness. 中性偏油肌膚/ 油性或暗瘡粗糙肌膚 清爽啫喱配方,同時蘊含金縷梅精華液及蘆薈精華,能控制油脂分泌及清潔臉上過多油脂,同時溫和舒緩肌膚。另添加透明質酸,為肌膚補充水分,保持水油平衡,潔面後不感繃緊及乾燥,感覺清爽舒適。 |